The Shipyard is a technical craft used for automatically building ("printing") structures. They are immovable crafts that can contain all blocks that are used on other crafts.
They are used to replicate crafts and buildings, and for transferring builds from the Creative server (/server movecraft) to Nations and Towny.
This Cruiser can be piloted as a Shipyard and saved to the AtlanticCruiser Repair State.
Create a Repair Sign: Place a Repair sign on the structure you wish to copy.
Line 1 of the sign: Write Repair:
Line 2 of the sign: Choose and write the name of your Repair State (e.g., MyShip).
Pilot the Structure as a Shipyard: Execute the command /pilot Shipyard.
Save the Repair State: Left-click the Repair Sign twice. This action saves the Shipyard as a Repair State, or a "blueprint," which can be used to duplicate the structure.
Now we've created a new Shipyard with the same Repair Sign. The Sign will use the materials in the chest to build its Repair State (the Cruiser).
Set Up at the New Location: Go to where you want the copy of your structure. Build a Shipyard there. On this Shipyard, place an identical Repair Sign to the one you created earlier.
Pilot the New Shipyard: Use the command /pilot Shipyard.
Start the Print: Right-click the new Repair Sign. It will check what materials are required to replicate the saved Repair State and list them, along with the cost.
Materials: The required materials must be in chests that are part of the Shipyard.
Cost: The Shipyard will charge you $0.3 for each block that it will place.
Start Printing: Once you've provided the necessary materials and funds, right-click the Repair Sign. The Shipyard will start building the Repair State at a rate of 2 blocks per second, using materials from the chests.
You do not need to stay online while the Shipyard is building.
Repair states are shared between Nations and the Movecraft Creative server (/server movecraft). This means you can build and save a structure on the Creative server and generate it on Nations.
If you made a mistake and a ship is now being built in the middle of your town, simply type /cancelrepairs to cancel the repair. This will not refund you the money or materials that were taken to begin the repair.
A Scrap: sign can be used on a piloted Shipyard to demolish it. Scrapping breaks all blocks on the Shipyard except for Trapped Chests, which store the broken blocks.