This page includes a shorter, compact list of all generally relevant Towny commands (excluding admin commands). All Towny commands as well as the Towny plugin itself are more fully explained in the other two, complete articles of our Wiki:
The following characters are not written when executing commands.
() indicates a variable argument. Inside the parentheses, there may either be the argument's description, or an in-line list of multiple acceptable inputs (denoted by the characters / or | , explained below). |
+ = Not the |
| indicates an alias argument or command. Only one of the aliases may be written, but they all have the same function. |
… indicates multiple similar arguments in a row. |
This list is not an official order or categorization of commands. Some negligible commands such as help screens and duplicates may also be ommitted.
/towny | Shows various main Towny commands. |
/towny farmblocks | Opens a menu showing the list of blocks allowed to be destroyed/placed in farm plots by residents of a town. |
/towny itemuse | Opens a menu showing the list of items related to the itemuse permission type. |
/towny map | Shows a 27x7-chunk map of nearby chunks. |
/towny map big | Shows a 27x18-chunk map of nearby chunks. |
/towny map hud | Shows a 19x10-chunk live-updating map of nearby chunks on the scoreboard. |
/towny plotclearblocks | Opens a menu showing the list of blocks destroyed in a town plot when using /plot clear . |
/towny prices (town name) | Shows your own daily taxes and the costs of town- and nation-related commands and features. |
/towny switches | Shows daily taxes and costs of town- and nation-related commands and features for another town. |
/towny time | Opens a menu showing the list of blocks related to the switch permission type. |
/towny time | Shows the time until the next Towny day starts. |
/towny top balance (all/nation/town) | View the top 10 towns/nations in amount of money in their town bank/nation bank. |
/towny top land (all/resident/town) | View the top 10 residents/towns in resident plots/town plots owned. |
/towny top residents (all/nation/town) | View the top 10 towns/nations in total residents/nation members. |
/towny universe | Shows Towny statistics for your server (number of registered players, number of towns, number of nations, number of worlds where Towny is enabled, number of town plots claimed by all towns in the server), version of Towny (and Towny addons/plugins), credits, along with a link to the TownyAdvanced GitHub portal. |
/towny (v | version) | Shows the current version of Towny in your server and notifies you of updates. |
/towny wildsblocks | Opens a menu showing the list of blocks allowed to be destroyed in wilds plots by residents of a town. |
/t | View your own town's town information screen. |
/t (town name) | View the specified town's town information screen. |
/t add (player name) … (player name) | Invite players (at least one) to join your town. |
/t add -(player name) … (player name) | Revoke invites from players (at least one) that your town has invited to join. |
/t baltop (town name) | Opens a menu showing the list of all residents in the specified town, sorted by balance in descending order. |
/t bankhistory | Opens a menu showing all transactions for your town bank for the current Towny day. |
/t buy | Shows information on the town bonus and cost of buying town bonus claims. |
/t buy bonus (integer number of town plots) | Buy a specified number of available town bonus claims. |
/t claim | Claim/annex the chunk you are standing on from Wilderness. The chunk must be adjacent to your existing claims. |
/t claim outpost | Claim/annex the chunk you are standing on from Wilderness, and set it as a town outpost spawnblock. Used when the chunk is not adjacent to your existing claims. |
/t create (name) | Creates a town with the specified name, and sets the player using the command as the Mayor. |
/t delete | Deletes your town. |
/t deposit (integer amount of money) | Add money in the town bank from your balance. |
/t here | Shows the town information screen of the town you are standing on. |
/t invite (player name) | Invite a player to join your town. |
/t invite -(player name) | Revoke an invite from a player that your town has invited to join. |
/t invite accept (nation name) | Accept a received invite to join a nation. |
/t invite deny (nation name) | Deny a received invite to join a nation. |
/t invite received | Shows the list of all received invites from nations to join their nation. |
/t invite sent | Shows the list of all sent invites to players for them to join your town. |
/t jail (resident name) (integer number of hours) (jail plot number) (jail cell number) | Sends the resident in the specified jail cell of the specified jail plot for the specified number of real-life hours. |
/t jail list (page number) | Shows the specified page of the list of jail plots in your town, along with their number, plot name ("jail name"), chunk coordinates, number of cells, and if they are the primary jail. |
/t join (town name) | Adds you as a resident into an open town. |
/t kick (resident name) … (resident name) | Kick residents (at least one) from the town. |
/t leave | Leave your town and lose ownership of all your resident plots in that town. You cannot use this command as the Mayor. |
/t list
Shows the specified page of the list of all towns, sorted by the specified characteristic. |
/t merge (town name) | Sends a request for another town to dissolve and merge into the town of the resident who has sent the request. |
/t new (name) | Creates a town with the specified name, and sets the player using the command as the Mayor. |
/t online (town name) | Shows the list of all online players in your town. |
/t outlaw add (player name) | Declare a player an outlaw in your town. |
/t outlaw remove (player name) | Remove a player from being an outlaw in your town. |
/t outlawlist (town name) | Shows the list of all players declared outlaws in the specified town. |
/t outpost | Teleport to town outpost number 1 of your town. |
/t outpost (outpost number | outpost name) | Teleports you to the specified town outpost of your town. Is case-sensitive. |
/t outpost list (page number) | Shows the specified page of the list of town outposts claimed by your town, along with their number, name, world, and town outpost spawn coordinates. |
/t plogrouplist (town name) (page number) | Shows the specified page of the list of plot groups in the specified town, along with their number, name, number of plots each includes, if they are for sale and their price. |
/t plots (town name) | Shows information on the specified town's town size, number of town plots of each plot type, number of plots up for sale and an estimated daily revenue for each town plot. |
/t rank add (resident name) (town rank) | Grants a town rank to a resident of your town. |
/t rank remove (resident name) (town rank) | Revokes a town rank from a resident of your town. |
/t ranklist (town name) |
This command has a dual function:
/t reclaim | Reclaim/recover a ruined town, as an ex-resident of it. |
/t reslist (town name) | Shows the list of all residents in the specified town. |
/t say (message) | Broadcast a message to all online residents in your town. |
/t set board (message) | Change the display message of your town board. |
/t set board none | Remove the display message of your town board. |
/t set embassytax (money amount) | Set/change the embassy plot tax in your town. |
/t set homeblock | Change your town's homeblock to the town plot you are standing on. |
/t set mapcolor (color) | Change the color of your town's claims shown in the Dynmap. |
/t set mayor (resident name) | Grant the Mayor rank to another resident of your town. |
/t set name (new town name) | Change your town's name. |
/t set outpost | Change the location of a town outpost spawn within the town outpost spawnblock. |
/t set perm (town permission level) (permission type) (on/off) |
Enable or disable the specified permission type for the specified town permission level on all unowned town plots in your town. Town plots that have had their permissions overridden by individual town permissions are not included. |
/t set perm reset | Undoes the permission override of individual town permissions on all unowned town plots in your town, in case their permissions have been changed from the general town permissions, and applies the general town permissions on them (as shown in the town information screen). |
/t set plottax (money amount) | Set/change the resident plot tax in your town. |
/t set primaryjail | Set the jail plot you are standing on as the primary jail |
/t set shoptax (money amount) | Set/change the shop plot tax in your town. |
/t set spawn | Change the location of your town spawn within the homeblock. |
/t set spawncost (money amount) | Change the cost of an outsider teleporting to your town spawn (residents, nation members, and allied nation members are not affected) if your town is public. |
/t set surname (resident name) | Remove the surname of a resident or yourself. |
/t set surname (resident name) (surname) | Grant a surname to a resident or yourself. |
/t set tag (chat tag) | Set/change your town's chat tag. 4 characters maximum. |
/t set tag clear | Remove the town's chat tag. |
/t set taxes (percentage/money amount) | Set/change the resident tax in your town (as a percentage if percentage tax is enabled, or as a flat amount of money if percentage tax is disabled). |
/t set taxpercentcap (money amount) | Set/change the maximum possible amount of money taken as taxes, when percentage tax is enabled in your town. |
/t set title (resident name) | Remove the title of a resident in your town or yourself. |
/t set title (resident name) (title) | Grant a title to a resident of the town or yourself. |
/t spawn | Teleport to the town spawn of your town. |
/t spawn (town name) | Teleport to the town spawn of a public town. |
/t toggle (toggle type) (on/off) | Enable or disable a town toggle in your town. |
/t toggle (neutral | peaceful) (on/off) | Enable or disable the neutral status (Peacefulness Status) of your town. |
/t toggle open (on/off) | Set your town as open or closed. |
/t toggle public (on/off) | Set your town as public or private. |
/t toggle taxpercent (on/off) | Enable or disable percentage tax collected for resident tax in your town. |
/t trust add (player name) | Grant the specified player access to all permission types on all town plots of your town (town-trusting). |
/t trust remove (player name) | Reset a player's trusted access to all town plots in your town, back to the town plots' default permission configuration, and remove the player from town-trusting. |
/t unclaim | Unclaim/abandon the chunk you are standing on from your town. |
/t unclaim all | Unclaim/abandon all chunks except the homeblock of your town. |
/t unjail (resident name) | Manually free a jailed resident. |
/t withdraw (money amount) | Remove money from the town bank into your balance. |
/plot | |
/plot claim | Buy the for sale town plot that you are standing on. If standing on a town plot that has been included in a plot group, buy the for sale plot group. |
/plot clear | Destroy all clearblocks in the chunk you are standing on (see /towny plotclearblocks for the list of clearblocks destroyed). |
/plot evict | Remove a resident's ownership their resident plot in your town. |
/plot (forsale | fs) (money amount) | Put the town plot you are standing on for sale, for the specified price. |
/plot group (add | create | new) (plot group name) |
This command has a dual function:
/plot group delete | Remove all town plots from the plot group you are standing on, and delete the plot group. |
/plot group (forsale | fs) (money amount) | Put the plot group you are standing on for sale, for the specified price. |
/plot group (notforsale | nfs) | Withdraw the plot group you are standing on from sale. |
/plot group perm add (player name) | Add a player to the per-player permission settings for all town plots in the plot group you are standing on. |
/plot group perm gui | Opens a menu listing the players added to the per-player permission settings for all plots in the plot group you are standing on, and allows you to configure their per-player permissions. |
/plot group perm remove (player name) | Remove a player from the per-player permission settings for the plot group you are standing on. |
/plot group remove | Remove the town plot you are standing on from its plot group. If it is the only town plot in the plot group, also delete the plot group. |
/plot group rename | Change the name of the plot group you are standing on. |
/plot group set (plot type) | Set the plot type of all town plots in the plot group you are standing on. |
/plot group set perm (town permission level | plot permission level) (permission type) (on/off) |
Enable or disable the specified permission type for the specified town permission level/plot permission level, on all plots of the plot group you are standing on. Note: Using this command, some permission levels may overlap because both unowned town plots and owned town plots can coexist in the same plot group. Town permission level |
/plot group set perm reset |
This command has a dual function:
/plot group set reset | Change the plot type of all town plots in the plot group you are standing on to the default type. |
/plot group toggle (toggle type) (on/off) | Enable or disable a plot toggle on all plots of the plot group you are standing on. |
/plot group trust add (player name) | Grant the specified player access to all permission types on all plots of the plot group you are standing on (plot group trusting). |
/plot group trust remove (player name) | Reset a player's trusted access to all plots of the plot group you are standing on, back to the plots' default permission configuration, and remove the player from plot group-trusting. |
/plot info | Shows the plot information screen for the town plot you are standing on. |
/plot jailcell add | Create a jail cell at your current position in a jail plot. |
/plot jailcell remove | Remove the jail cell you are standing on from a jail plot. |
/plot (notforsale | nfs) | Withdraw the town plot you are standing on from sale. |
/plot perm add (player name) | Add a player to the per-player permission settings for the town plot you are standing on. |
/plot perm gui | Opens a menu listing the players added to the per-player permission settings for the town plot you are standing on, and allows you to configure their per-player permissions. |
/plot perm hud | Shows the live-updating plot information screen for the chunk you are standing on, on the scoreboard. |
/plot perm remove (player name) | Remove a player from the per-player permission settings for the town plot you are standing on. |
/plot set (plot type) | Change the plot type of the town plot you are standing on. |
/plot set name | Remove the name of the town plot you are standing on. |
/plot set name (name) | Set/change the name of the town plot you are standing on in your town. If standing on a town outpost spawnblock, set the name of the town outpost. If standing on a jail plot, set the jail's name. |
/plot set outpost | Set the town plot you are standing on into a town outpost spawnblock. |
/plot set perm (plot permission level) (permission type) (on/off) |
Enable or disable the specified permission type for the specified permission level on the resident plot you are standing on. Overrides resident permissions on the resident plot. |
/plot set perm (town permission level) (permission type) (on/off) |
Enable or disable the specified permission type for the specified permission level on the unowned town plot you are standing on. Overrides general town permissions on the unowned town plot. |
/plot set perm reset |
This command has a dual function:
/plot set reset | Change the plot type of the town plot you are standing on to the default type. |
/plot toggle (toggle type) (on/off) | Enable or disable a plot toggle on the town plot you are standing on. |
/plot trust add (player name) | Grant the specified player access to all permission types on the town plot you are standing on (plot-trusting). |
/plot trust remove (player name) | Reset a player's trusted access to the town plot you are standing on, back to the town plots' default permission configuration, and remove the player from plot-trusting. |
/plot unclaim | Remove your ownership of the resident plot you are standing on. |
/plot unclaim all | Remove your ownership of all owned town plots (including town plots in other towns). |
/n | View your own nation's nation information screen. |
/n (nation name) | View the specified nation's nation information screen. |
/n add (town name) … (town name) | Invite towns (at least one) to join your nation. |
/n add -(town name) … (town name) | Revoke invites from towns (at least one) that your nation has invited to join. |
/n ally accept (nation name) | Accept a received request to ally with the specified nation. |
/n ally add (nation name) … (nation name) | Send a request to other nations (at least one) to ally with you. |
/n ally deny (nation name) | Deny a received request to ally with the specified nation. |
/n ally received | Shows the list of all received requests from nations to ally with your nation. |
/n ally remove (nation name) … (nation name) | Revoke an alliance with the specified nations (at least one). |
/n ally sent | Shows the list of all sent invites to nations to ally with them. |
/n allylist (nation name) | Shows the list of all nations that the specified nation is allied with. |
/n baltop (nation name) | Opens a menu showing the list of all nation members in the specified nation, sorted by balance in descending order. |
/n bankhistory | Opens a menu showing all transactions for your nation bank for the current Towny day. |
/n delete | Deletes your nation. |
/n deposit (money amount) | Add money in the nation bank from your balance. |
/n deposit (money amount) (town name) | Add money in the town bank of a town in your nation from your balance. |
/n enemy add (nation name) … (nation name) | Declare nations (at least one) as enemies. |
/n enemy remove (nation name) … (nation name) | Revoke an enmity with the specified nations (at least one). |
/n enemylist (nation name) | Shows the list of all nations that the specified nation is enemies with. |
/n invite (town name) | Invite a town to join your nation. |
/n invite -(town name) | Revoke an invite from a town that your nation has invited to join. |
/n invite sent | Shows the list of all sent invites to towns for them to join your nation. |
/n join (nation name) | Adds your town into an open nation. |
/n kick (town name) … (town name) | Kick towns (at least one) from the nation. |
/n leave | Remove your town from the nation. You cannot use this command if your town is the capital town. |
/n list
Shows the specified page of the list of all nations, sorted by the specified characteristic. |
/n merge (nation name) | Sends a request for another nation to dissolve and merge into the nation of the nation member who has sent the request. |
/n new (name) | Creates a nation with the specified name, and sets the player using the command as the King/Leader. |
/n online (nation name) | Shows the list of all online players in the specified nation. |
/n rank add (nation member name) (nation rank) | Grants a nation rank to a nation member of your nation. |
/n rank remove (nation member name) (nation rank) | Revokes a nation rank from a nation member of your nation. |
/n ranklist (nation name) | Shows the list of all nation members that have been granted ranks in the specified nation. |
/n say (message) | Broadcast a message to all online nation members in your nation. |
/n set board (message) | Change the display message of your nation board. |
/n set board none | Remove the display message of your nation board. |
/n set capital (town name) | Change the capital town of your nation and grant its Mayor the King/Leader rank. |
/n set king (nation member name) | Change the capital town of your nation and grant its Mayor the King/Leader rank. |
/n set mapcolor (color) | Change the color of the claim borders shown in the Dynmap for all towns in your nation. |
/n set name (new nation name) | Change your nation's name. |
/n set spawn | Set/change the location of your nation spawn within the claims of a town of your nation. |
/n set spawncost (money amount) | Change the cost of an outsider teleporting to your nation spawn (nation members and allied nation members are not affected) if your nation is public. |
/n set surname (nation member name) | Remove the surname of a nation member or yourself. |
/n set surname (nation member name) (surname) | Grant a surname to a nation member or yourself. |
/n set tag (chat tag) | Set/change your nation's chat tag. 4 characters maximum. |
/n set tag clear | Remove the nation's chat tag. |
/n set taxes (money amount) | Set/change the town nation tax in your nation. |
/n set title (nation member name) | Remove the title of a nation member or yourself. |
/n set title (nation member name) (title) | Grant a title to a nation member or yourself. |
/n spawn | Teleport to the nation spawn of your nation. |
/n spawn (nation name) | Teleport to the nation spawn of a public nation. |
/n toggle open (on/off) | Set your nation as open or closed. |
/n toggle public (on/off) | Set your nation as public or private. |
/n townlist (nation name) | Shows the list of all towns in the specified nation. |
/n withdraw (money amount) | Remove money from the nation bank into your balance. |
/n xpbank deposit (amount of xp/all) | Puts XP into your nation's XP bank. |
/n xpbank withdraw (amount of xp/all) | Removes XP from your nation's XP bank. |
/res | |
/res (player name) | View a player's resident information screen. |
/res friend add (player name) … (player name) | Add players (at least one) to your friend list. Is case-sensitive. |
/res friend clear | Remove all players from your friend list. |
/res friend list | Shows the list of all players in your friend list. |
/res friend remove (player name) … (player name) | Remove players (at least one) from your friend list. Is case-sensitive. |
/res jail | Shows the cost of bail for each tier (normal player, Mayor, Leader—all mutually exclusive) and how to pay the bail in order to leave jail. |
/res jail paybail |
This command has a dual function:
/res list | Shows the list of online players in the server. Online players that are also the Mayor of their town are highlighted in a different color font. |
/res set mode (resident mode) … (resident mode) | Enable or disable resident modes (at least one). |
/res set mode (clear | reset) | Disables all currently active resident modes. |
/res set perm (plot permission level) (permission type) (on/off) |
Enable or disable the specified permission type for the specified plot permission level on all your resident plots. Resident plots that have had their permissions overridden by plot permissions are not included. |
/res set perm reset | Undoes the permission override of plot permissions on all your resident plots, in case their permissions have been changed from the resident permissions, and applies your resident permissions on them (as shown in the resident information screen). |
/res spawn | Teleport to your set spawn point. |
/res tax | Shows the town taxes that you need to pay to your town, each Towny day. |
/res tax (player name) | Shows the town taxes that the specified resident needs to pay to their town, each Towny day. |
/res toggle (toggle type) (on/off) | Enable or disable a plot toggle when buying a town plot (resident toggle). |
/invite accept (town name) | Accept a received invite to join a town. |
/invite deny (town name) | Deny a received invite to join a town. |
/invite list | Shows the list of all received invites from towns to join their town. |
/tw | Shows the server's Towny configuration for the world you are currently in. |
/tw (world name) | Shows the server's Towny configuration for the specified world. |
/tw list |
This command has a dual function:
/sw collect | Allows you to collect any income due to you from military salary. |
/sw hud (town name) | Provides information about a town that is actively under siege. |
/sw guide | Provides a starter guide about how sieges work. |
/sw nation paysoldiers (amount) | Pays your soldiers. The given amount will be distributed according to rank. |
/sw nation removeoccupation (town) | Removes your nation's occupation of a town. |
/sw nation transferoccupation (town) (nation) | Transfers your nation's occupation of a town to another nation. |
/sw nextsession | Informs you of the time when a next battle session will begin. |
/sw preference beacons (on/off) | Gives the option of turning the battle beacon on or off. |
/accept (player name/town name/nation name) | Accept an invite or request from the specified player/town/nation (pairs with /deny ). |
/cancel | Cancel an action (pairs with /confirm ). |
/confirm | Confirm an action (pairs with /cancel ). |
/deny (player name/town name/nation name) | Deny an invite or request from the specified player/town/nation (pairs with /accept ). |