The Tank is a combat ground vehicle. Its armament is Dispensers and Cannons.
Tanks are crucial in inland sieges, where they are used to shell defenses and counter enemy tanks. The Tank's Machine Gun can deter nearby infantry.
The Heavy Tank is a larger variant of the Tank, designed for destroying fortified positions.
Periscopes can be used on the Tank. They allow the tank operator to change their camera position.
The Tank can have armor.
You can also calculate these block requirements and limitations in-game by using /craftcalc Tank (block size)
You can also view these Allowed Blocks in-game by using /craftblocks Tank
Anvil (all) | Banner | Barrel | Bell | Blast Furnace | Bookshelf | Brewing Stand |
Bricks | Button | Cake | Calcite | Campfire | Candle | Carpet |
Cartography Table | Cauldron | Chain | Chest | Chiseled Deepslate | Comparator | Concrete |
Cracked Nether Bricks | Crafting Table | Deepslate Bricks (all) | Deepslate Tiles (all) | Dispenser | Door | End Rod |
End Stone Bricks | Ender Chest | Fence | Fence Gate | Fire | Fletching Table | Flower Pot |
Furnace | Glass | Glass Pane | Glazed Terracotta | Glowstone | Grindstone | Honey Block |
Iron Bars | Iron Block | Ladder | Lantern | Lectern | Lever | Lightning Rod |
Loom | Nether Bricks | Note Block | Observer | Polished Andesite | Polished Blackstone Bricks | Polished Deepslate |
Pressure Plate (all) | Prismarine Bricks | Quartz Bricks | Raw Copper Block | Red Nether Bricks | Redstone | Redstone Block |
Redstone Lamp | Restone Torch | Repeater | Scaffolding | Sea Lantern | Sign | Slab |
Slime Block | Smoker | Soul Campfire | Soul Lantern | Soul Torch | Stairs | Sticky Piston |
Stone Bricks (all) | Target Block | Terracotta (all) | Tinted Glass | TNT | Torch | Trapdoor |
Trapped Chest | Tripwire Hook | Tuff | Wall | Waxed Copper (all) | Wool |
To pilot a Tank, you may use the command /pilot Tank
while standing on an eligible Tank. Alternatively, you may right-click a sign on the craft that has Tank
written on the first line.
Tanks cannot move lower than y level 40.
Piloting a Tank increases your render distance to 10 chunks maximum, until you release the craft.
This craft is fueled by Coal, Charcoal, Blocks of Coal, and Blocks of Charcoal placed inside an on-board Furnace.