Contracts are server-enforced trade agreements between two players, that allow them to exchange items and money without requiring both to be online.
/contracts list
. Nuxyr is selling 640 Sifted Ore in exchange for $640.Each contract has an expiration date that it must be completed by. After this date, the contract will be deleted.
Contracts can be created by using /contracts create (contract type) (expiry time of contract, in hours)
Contract Types:
contract means you want to buy items from other players. The items must be delivered to your town.sell
contract means you want to sell items to other players. The items must be collected from your town.After the expiry time has passed, the contract is immediately terminated and deleted.
/contracts reclaim
.Each contract created also has an ID code attached to it. This ID is used for managing the contract. The contract creation message will display your contract's ID.
Once a contract has been created, you must specify its details by using the /contracts edit
Buy contracts must specify:
1. The items that you want to buy. Add items into your contract through /contracts edit (contract ID) additem (item name) (amount of items)
2. The amount of money that will be awarded to the contractor after the items are delivered. Set their bulk price through /contracts edit (contract ID) reward (money amount)
Sell contracts must specify:
1. The items that will be sold. Add items into your contract through /contracts edit (contract ID) additem (name of item) (amount of items)
2. The price that the items will be sold for. Set their bulk price through /contracts edit (contract ID) price (money amount)
All contracts are public by default: anyone in the server can sign public contracts and become their contractor. However, you can restrict the contract to certain players or groups.
/contracts edit (contract ID) availability individual (player name)
./contracts edit (contract ID) availability town (name of town)
./contracts edit (contract ID) availability nation (name of nation)
By default, a contract's collateral is $0. Your contract's collateral can be changed through /contracts edit (contract ID) collateral (money amount)
Buy contracts can change the town that the items must be delivered to and collected from using /contracts edit (contract ID) settown (town name)
. If this is not set, the contract will use the town you are currently a resident of.
Once you have finished setting up the contract, it must be submitted to the Contracts List, the main menu to look for contracts. Submit your edited contract by typing /contracts submit (contract ID)
. After a contract has been submitted, it can no longer be edited and becomes available for contractors to sign and complete.
Contracts are automatically deleted after their expiration time passes. If a contract expires, all items and money placed into it will disappear from the server. Items from expired Sell contracts can be reclaimed using /contracts reclaim
Your active contracts can be manually deleted through /contracts delete (contract ID)
. If a contract is manually deleted, all items and money placed into it are refunded to the issuers and contractors.
The list of contracts and their details can be viewed through the Contracts List menu, opened through /contracts list
. In addition, you can use the command /contracts info (contract ID)
to view a specific contract's details in chat.
If you would like to sign a contract in order to complete it, type /contracts sign (contract ID)
, or left-click it on /contracts list
If the contract includes a collateral, this amount of money will be withdrawn by the server from your balance, and returned to you if the contract is completed or manually deleted by the issuer before it expires.
You can unsign a contract if you would no longer like to complete it. However, this will not return any collateral paid when signing.
In order to complete a Sell contract: the contractor must:
/contracts sign (contract ID)
, or left-click it on /contracts list
/contracts collect (contract ID)
The price of the sold items will be taken from the contractor's balance, placed in the seller's balance, and the items will be placed in your inventory. Make sure you have enough inventory space for the items.
In order to complete a Buy contract, the contractor must deliver all requested items to the buyer's town. To deliver items,
/contracts sign (contract ID)
, or left-click it on /contracts list
/contracts deliver (contract ID)
. Any requested items will be removed from your inventory (delivery may happen multiple times).
After the Buy contract is completed, the buyer must collect the delivered items. To do this, stand inside your town's claims, and type /contracts collect (contract ID)
Make sure to collect the items before your contract expires! If you don't, you may be able to reclaim them through /contracts reclaim