Server Outposts (or just Outposts) are server-set towns where a variety of activities may take place. There exist 12 Outposts total across Towny's map, all themed differently. Outposts are located at about the middle of each Siege Zone (denoted by the black squares in the Dynamic map).
A Treasurer NPC can be found in each Server Outpost, that players can sell Gold Ingots to for $6 per Gold Ingot, and buy them for $12 per Gold Ingot; similarly to Spawn.
There is also a free to use indestructible End Portal in each Outpost.
World Spawn | 48, -168 | |
Outpost Name | Coordinates (X, Z) | Siege Window (UTC) |
Arvagost | -17400, 0 | Tuesday, 15:00 - 17:00 |
Camp Tanaris | 10000, -9750 | Wednesday, 03:00 - 05:00 |
Cassia | -17500, -17450 | Wednesday, 15:00 - 17:00 |
Elurra | 17600, 17000 | Thursday 03:00 - 05:00 |
Hillwort | -400, -17300 | Thursday, 15:00 - 17:00 |
Kumakuro | 0, 17500 | Friday, 03:00 - 05:00 |
Meldrec | 10000, 9900 | Sunday, 15:00 - 17:00 |
Provence | -9950, -9950 | Sunday, 03:00 - 05:00 |
Robinia | -17500, 17500 | Friday, 15:00 - 17:00 |
Shandra | -10100, 10150 | Tuesday, 03:00 - 05:00 |
Velrest | 17400, -17300 | Saturday, 03:00 - 05:00 |
Viridu | 17450, 150 | Saturday, 15:00 - 17:00 |
Siege windows remain the same during each real-life week, and cycle once per 7 days.
Nations can siege Outposts in order to potentially control them for gameplay benefits. A siege lasts for 30 minutes.
The Leader of a nation declares intent to siege an Outpost, by using /declaresiege (outpost name)
. After declaring the siege, any nation member may start it during the siege window (shown in the table above) by piloting an Air Heavy Carrier / Air Gunship / Airship / Destroyer / Dreadnought class of Movecraft craft fully inside the Siege Zone, and then typing /siege begin
After a siege successfully begins for a nation, any player may fight other craft and players with their weaponry and stand their ground. The goal is to keep the craft fully inside the Siege Zone throughout the whole 30-minute siege. If the ship is released, or moves outside of the Siege Zone, the siege will fail, but a new one may be started again (if the siege window allows for it).
Winning a siege allows your nation to take control of the Outpost, and remove the control of any previous nation controlling it. Each nation can control 3 Outposts at most. You can use /controlstatus
to list the Outposts that your nation controls. The total nation member cap for a siege is currently 500.
Controlling an Outpost grants benefits to the winning nation.
Nation members of the nation that controls the Outpost can sell and buy gold for $9 per Gold Ingot to the Treasurer NPC.
Players visiting the Outpost will trade gold for the normal amount, selling it for $6 per Gold Ingot and buying it for $12 per Gold Ingot.
Nation members can be given any of the 8 playershops of the Server Outpost your nation is controlling, so that they can create shops to trade items with other players.
Click here for more information on Outpost Playershops.