The Dreadnought is a naval craft class. Boasting 12-inch and 14-inch naval guns, dreadnoughts are the most heavily-armed ships that can exist on the server. Alongside the Aircraft Carrier, the Dreadnought is also the largest craft class.
Dreadnoughts can possess formidable firepower and often serve as the capital ships of navies on Nations. However, their long rotation times can force them to rely on turreted weapons and screening ships, such as cruisers, to engage faster and more maneuverable targets.
The Dreadnought will always cruise in the direction of its "front". If you try to cruise sideways, the Dreadnought will move diagonally in that direction instead.
The "front" of the Dreadnought is determined in two ways.
Dreadnoughts use the Naval Direct Control mode. Direct Control mode is superior to manual movement during combat.
Dreadnoughts can ram into smaller craft types, such as cruisers and destroyers. The rammed craft will be pushed away; the strength of the push depends on how much smaller it is than the dreadnought. Both crafts may also be damaged in the process.
You can also calculate these block requirements and limitations in-game by using /craftcalc Dreadnought (block size)
You can also view these Allowed Blocks in-game by using /craftblocks Dreadnought
Anvil (all) | Banner | Barrel | Bell | Blast Furnace | Bookshelf | Brewing Stand |
Bricks | Button | Cake | Calcite | Campfire | Candle | Carpet |
Cartography Table | Cauldron | Chain | Chest | Chiseled Deepslate | Comparator | Concrete |
Cracked Nether Bricks | Crafting Table | Daylight Detector | Deepslate Bricks (all) | Deepslate Tiles (all) | Dispenser | Door |
End Rod | End Stone Bricks | Ender Chest | Fence | Fence Gate | FIre | Fletching Table |
Flower Pot | Furnace | Glass | Glass Pane | Glazed Terracotta | Glowstone | Grindstone |
Hay Block | Honey Block | Hyphae (all) | Iron Bars | Iron Block | Ladder | Lantern |
Lectern | Lever | Lightning Rod | Log (all) | Loom | Note Block | Nether Bricks |
Observer | Planks | Polished Blackstone | Polished Blackstone Bricks (all) | Polished Deepslate | Polished Granite | Polished Diorite |
Pressure Plate (all) | Prismarine Bricks | Quartz Bricks | Raw Copper Block | Red Nether Bricks | Redstone Block | Redstone |
Redstone Lamp | Redstone Torch | Repeater | Scaffolding | Sea Lantern | Slab | Sign |
Slime Block | Smoker | Soul Campfire | Soul Lantern | Soul Torch | Stem (all) | Stairs |
Sticky Piston | Stone Bricks (all) | Target Block | Terracotta (all) | Tinted Glass | Torch | TNT |
Trapdoor | Trapped Chest | Tripwire Hook | Tuff | Wall | Wood (all) | Waxed Copper (all) |
Wool |
To pilot a Dreadnought, you may use the command /pilot Dreadnought
while standing on an eligible Dreadnought. Alternatively, you may right click a sign on the craft that has Dreadnought
written on the first line.
Piloting a Dreadnought increases your render distance to 10 chunks maximum, until you release the craft.
This craft is fueled by Coal, Charcoal, Blocks of Coal, and Blocks of Charcoal placed inside an on-board Furnace.