Using the /cargotransfer command, pilots of cargo-enabled craft can move items between their craft and any other cargo-enabled piloted craft that is within 32 blocks.
Loading: To move items to your craft's chests from another piloted craft's chests, type:
/cargotransfer load <name of other craft's pilot> [optional label of your craft's chests] [optional label of the other craft's chests]
Unloading: To move items to your craft's chests from another piloted craft's chests, type:
/cargotransfer unload <name of other craft's pilot> [optional label of your craft's chests] [optional label of the other craft's chests]
Both commands will send a confirmation screen to the other craft's pilot, who can choose to accept or reject the item transfer.
¶ Cargo: Transfer Items Between a Craft and Outside
Using the /cargo command, pilots of cargo-enabled crafts can move items between their craft and nearby unpiloted chests/barrels, e.g. between a cargo ship and a storage room located in a cargo plot nearby.
By default, the command will only work with chests that are in the same chunks as the craft. It can work with chests that are up to 4 chunks away from the craft by specifying a radius at the end of the command.
Chests can be labelled using signs, allowing precise control over which chests are affected by both cargo commands.
To label a chest, attach a sign to it and type the label name on the first line of the sign. The capitalisation of the label does not matter, but it cannot have spaces.
Setting all as the label means all chests will be affected.