Nations are groups of towns that form a country together. There are many advantages to being a member of a nation, but it may also drag your town into war.
Creating and managing a nation is no easy task, and you're advised to learn the ropes under an existing nation. However, this guide will introduce you to the basics.
The fortified non-peaceful town of Cultist Tower, South America.
All towns begin as peaceful towns that cannot be attacked in sieges.
However, only non-peaceful towns can found nations. They also enjoy other benefits such as the ability to use spawners, brew more potions and use electric Potion Brewers.
If you want to create a nation, your first step is to make your town non-peaceful using the command /t toggle peaceful.
This will start a countdown that you can see through /t.
When your town becomes non-peaceful, other nations will be able to besiege it. However, all towns begin with temporary siege immunity.
Check /t to see whether your town still has siege immunity.
While most explosion damage will be automatically rolled backafter the siege, having your defenses breached can still be a major setback in a siege.
Fortunately, there are a wide range of blocks that can withstand multiple explosions.
Make sure to arm your defenses with cannons.
Consider moving your town spawn to a bunker connected to the surface using elevators, or at least somewhere which won't be easily breached.
Note: Make sure your non-peaceful town still looks like a town or castle. Cubes, boxes and other simple low-effort structures are against the rules, and will damage the prestige of your nation.
Once your town becomes non-peaceful and it has 10 residents, you are ready to create a nation.
This will cost money that is taken from your town's bank. Check /towny prices to see the price.
Type /n new <name of your nation>. This will create a new nation with your town as the capital. As mayor of the capital, you also become the nation leader("king").
Make sure your nation's name complies with the nation naming rules. It has to have a realistic name. Read the rules for more information.
The Global Market (/ah) can only be accessed through shop plots inside your nation's Trade Capital. By default, the Trade Capital is the capital city, but you can change this using /n set tradecapital <new town>.
Make sure the shop plots are actually accessible! You may wish to take advantage of people visiting your Trade Capital by establishing player shops nearby.
As leader of your nation, you can invite towns to your nation with /n add.
Invited towns must be no further than 12,000 blocks from the capital. If the invited town is peaceful, it must also be within 4,000 blocks of any non-peaceful town in the nation.
You can check the distance between two towns using /distance <town 1> <town 2>.
Once invited, towns can join using /n invite accept <nation name>.
As you invite more towns to your nation, your nation bonus increases. The nation bonus increases the claim limit of every town in the nation. You can see this through /t.
You can chat with nation members using the /nc chat channel.
Most diplomatic actions cost diplomatic points. You can see how many your nation has with /n diplomaticpoints.
The number of diplomatic points your nation spends is affected by its diplomatic stance. /n set diplomaticstance
Consider striking alliances with other nations quickly, as allied nations can assist you in sieges.
To send an ally request, use /n ally add.
You can chat with allied nations using the /ally chat channel.
Be wary of joining so-called ‘mega-alliances’. They will almost certainly draw you into a war with other powerful nations.
If your nation is in a vulnerable position, consider becoming a vassal of a more powerful nation. Vassal nations exchange some of their freedoms for more protection and bonus claims.
You can also enemy other nations using /n enemy add. Enemying a nation is required to besiege their towns and take their assault regions.
By default, your nation's government type will be Autocracy: absolute power will rest with you, the unelected leader. However, you can become a democratic Constitutional Monarchy or Republic by changing your nation's Constitution (/n constitution). Democracies receive several benefits, such as cheaper alliances and increased nation resource output.
If your nation has a page on the CCNet Community Wiki, you can set it in-game using /n set wikipage <wiki page url>. It will then be accessible on the map by clicking on your nation's name.